姓 名:郭艳华
性 别:女
籍 贯:山东济南
职 称:副教授、硕导
近年来,主持承担国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(No. 52001163)、国家自然科学基金理论物理专款(No. 11647162)、“十三五”装备预研共用技术子课题(No. 41422010208)、科技部国家重点研发计划子课题(No. 2020YFB2008300)、江苏省优势学科青年教师项目、校科研启动项目,参与了江苏省国际合作科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、江苏省产业前瞻与关键核心技术项目等10余项。
在Composites Part B、Materials Science & Engineering C、Materials Characterization、Journal of Alloys and Compounds等学术期刊上发表论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利6项。
[1] Yanhua Guo*;Jiaqiang Huang; Kui Yu; Guoqing Dai; Zhonggang Sun; Hui Chang, Effect of the Ti-6Al-4V powder size on the microstructure and mechanical properties of composites with nickel-coated graphene nanoflakes, Materials Characterization, 2022, 184: 111627.
[2] Jingzhe Niu; Yanhua Guo*;Kai Li; Wenjuan Liu; Zhenhua Dan; Zhonggang Sun; Hui Chang; Lian Zhou*, Improved mechanical, bio-corrosion properties and in vitro cell responses of Ti-Fe alloys as candidate dental implants, Materials Science & Engineering C, 2021, 122: 111917.
[3] Jingzhe Niu; Guoqing Dai; Yanhua Guo*;Zhonggang Sun; Zhenhua Dan; Yuecheng Dong; Hui Chang; Igor V. Alexandrov; Lian Zhou*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of B modified Ti–Fe alloy manufactured by casting, forging and laser melting deposition, Composites Part B, 2021, 216: 108854.
[4] Yanhua Guo*; Kui Yu; Jingzhe Niu; Meng Sun; Guoqing Dai; Zhonggang Sun; Hui Chang, Effect of reinforcement content on microstructures and mechanical properties of graphene nanoflakes-reinforced titanium alloy matrix composites, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 15: 6871.
[5] Jin Min; Yanhua Guo*; Jingzhe Niu; Juexian Cao; Zhonggang Sun; Hui Chang, The Characteristic of Fe as a beta-Ti Stabilizer in Ti Alloys, Materials, 2021, 14: 7516.
[6] Yanhua Guo; Yuanzhi Fang; Guoqing Dai; Zhonggang Sun*; Yaoqi Wang; Qinfeng Yuan, The effect of hydrogen treatment on microstructures evolution and mechanical properties of titanium alloy fabricated by selective laser melting, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 890: 161642.
[7] Guoqing Dai; Jingzhe Niu; Yanhua Guo*; Zhonggang Sun; Zhenhua Dan; Hui Chang; Lian Zhou*, Microstructure evolution and grain refinement behavior during hot deformation of Fe microalloyed Ti-6Al-4V, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 15: 1881.
[8] Meng Sun; Dong Li; Yanhua Guo*; Ying Wang; Yuecheng Dong; Zhenghua Dan; Hui Chang, The effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the novel Low-Cost Ti-3Al-5Mo-4Cr-2Zr-1Fe alloy, Materials, 2020, 13: 3798.
[9] Jingzhe Niu; Yulei Gu; Yanhua Guo*; Wenjun Wu; Cong Wu; Shewei Xin; Hui Chang; Lian Zhou*, Effects of heat treatment on mechanical properties and micostructure evolutions of Ti-5321 alloy, 14th World Conference on Titanium(Ti2019), Nantes, France.
[10] Yakun Wu; Yanhua Guo*; Guanglong Xu; Hui Chang; Yuwen Cui*, Effects of trace erbium addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V-xEr Alloys, Metals, 2019, 9: 628.
[11] Xin Liu; Xiaoxian Zhu; Yanhua Guo*; Yuecheng Dong; Zhenhua Dan; Hui Chang; Lian Zhou, Hot deformation behavior of Fe-microalloyed Ti-6Al-4V based on experiments and calculations, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2019, 48(11): 3476.
[12] Xiang Huang; Junyi Tan; Yanhua Guo*; Guanglong Xu; Yuwen Cui*, Experimental Diffusion Research on BCC Ti-Mn Binary and Ti-Al-Mn Ternary Alloys, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2018, 18: 307.
[1] 用于改善钛合金丝材增材制造冶金组织的工艺。郭艳华,郭才宝,孙中刚,戴国庆。发明专利,授权号:ZL202110821540.6
[2] 基于多级增强的钛铝系合金及其制备方法。郭艳华,曹夕浩,孙中刚,戴国庆。发明专利,授权号:ZL202110864652.X
[3] 钛合金棒材高效率高通量连铸连轧系统与工艺。常辉,戴国庆,郭艳华,董月成,淡振华,李峰。发明专利,授权号:ZL202010569588.8
[4] 海工混凝土耐蚀钛合金网结构的制备工艺与系统。常辉,牛京喆,郭艳华,董月成,淡振华,李峰。发明专利,授权号:ZL202010582648.X
[5] 钛合金拉丝处理设备。郭艳华,于奎,常辉,董月成,李峰,淡振华。发明专利,授权号:ZL201910880544.4