姓 名:张亚男
性 别:女
籍 贯:山东济宁
职 称:教授、硕导
主要从事高性能复合材料创新应用及资源化利用,开展了轻质高强超混杂复合材料的结构功能一体化工艺研究,实现了吸能材料的防护应用及循环资源化利用。以负责人身份承担前沿领域创新特区项目、装备发展部项目、江苏省重大科技示范、基金委青年项目等纵向项目8项;主持横向课题6项。以通讯或第一作者身份发表SCI论文30余篇;以主要发明人申请国家发明专利6项,授权2项。担任国防科技工业弹药自动装药技术研究应用中心特聘青年专家,江苏省复合材料学会青年工作委员会委员,江苏省新材料产业协会固废综合利用委员会专家顾问,江苏省筑港工业废渣资源化利用工程研究中心专家顾问,宿迁市“西楚英才”创新人才,欧洲杯线上买球青年才俊拓原工程青年创新学者,Polymers“Eco-Friendly Coatings and Adhesive Technology”专刊客座编辑。
① YN Zhang*, J Wei, C Liu, YB Hu*, Fengya She,Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified Ti/CFRP Structure-Function Integrated Laminates for Surface Joule Heating and Deicing,Composites Part-A, 166,2023,107377.
② YN Zhang*, XG Yang, SN Xu, Wenjia Jiang, ZW Gu, M Guo, JF Wei, Multifunctional dendritic Au@SPP@DOX nanoparticles integrating chemotherapy and low-Dose radiotherapy for enhanced anticancer activity, molecular pharmaceutics, 2023, doi.org/10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.2c00754.
③ YN Zhang*,Y Tian, YL Zhang, XL Fu, H Li, ZH Lu, TY Zhang, YB Hu*, Improvement in Migration Resistance of Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene (HTPB) Liners by Using Graphene Barriers, Polymers, 2022
④ H Li,WJ Jiang,YN Zhang*,ZH Lu,YB Hu*,C Xiao,TY Zhang,FY She, Solid propellant liner with high anti-migration and strong adhesion based on isocyanate-functionalized graphene oxide and hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene,Journal of materials science, 57(2022)14413-14429.
⑤ YN Zhang*, XY Liu, F Ji, C Liu, YB Hu, W Jiang, YF Xing*, Effect of chemically grafted CNTs onto carbon fiber on the mechanical properties of fiber metal laminates, Composites Communications, 29(2022)101005.
⑥ YB Hu, XY Liu, F Ji, J Wei, W Jiang, YN Zhang*, Effects of the electrophoretic deposition of CNTs on the mechanical properties of Ti/CFRP composite laminates, ACS Omega, 7(2022)1337–1346.
⑦ H Li, J Wei, YN Zhang* , YB Hu, W Jiang, TY Zhang, GO/HTPB composite liner for anti-migration of small molecules, Defence Technology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dt.2021.11.006
⑧ YB Hu, J Zhou, F Ji, YN Zhang*, YG Duan, et al. Optimization of preparation technology on fibre metal laminates (FMLs) for high-temperature applications, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 3 (2020) 3170327.
⑨ YN Zhang*, PF Wang, TY Zhang, BW Gou, High-Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Kesterite Cu2ZnSnSe4 Inlaid on a Flexible Carbon Fabric Composite Counter Electrode, ACS Omega, 38 ( 2020) 24898-24905.
⑩ YN Zhang*, JP Luan, Y Zhang, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Iron-Doped Tricalcium Silicate-Based Bone Cement as a Bone Repair Material, Materials, 13 (2020) 3670.
⑪ F Ji, C Liu, YB Hu, SN Xu, YN Zhang*, Chemically Grafting Carbon Nanotubes onto Carbon Fibers for Enhancing Interfacial Properties of Fiber Metal Laminate, Materials, 13 (2020) 3813.
⑫ YB Hu, C Liu, C Wang, XL Fu, YN Zhang*, Study on the hygrothermal aging behavior and diffusion mechanism of Ti/CF/PMR polyimide composite laminates, Materials Research Express, 7 (2020) 076508.
⑬ YN Zhang*, SN Xu,F Ji,YB Hu, et al. Plant cell wall hydrolysis process reveals structure-activity relationships, Plant Methods,16 (2020)147.
⑭ YB Hu*, YN Zhang*, XL Fu, GZ Hao, W Jiang Mechanical properties of Ti/CF/PMR polyimide fiber metal laminates with various layup configurations,Composite Structures. 229 (2019) 111408.