姓 名:操振华
性 别:男
籍 贯:安徽怀宁
职 称:教授、博士生导师
主要从事金属材料强韧化及其服役行为的研究,包括高熵合金、轻质合金、纳米结构金属薄膜等。先后主持了包括国家自然科学基金(4项)、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省工业支撑项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目以及企业委托项目等,作为学术骨干参加了科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)等。迄今,在Acta Materialia、International Journal of Plasticity、Nano Letters、Physical Review B、Applied Physics Letters和Scripta Materialia等权威期刊发表学术论文80余篇,参与编著本科生实验教材一部,申请中国发明专利16项(授权6项)。2012与2016 年分别获得教育部科技进步二等奖。现为中国材料学会会员,中国有色金属学会会员,美国TMS学会会员,江苏省金属学会理事和江苏省机械工程学会材料工程分会理事;长期担任Acta Materialia、Journal of Materials Science & Technology和Materials Science and Engineering A等三十多种国内外期刊审稿人。
1. Z.H. Cao*, G.Y. Zhai, Y.J. Ma, L.P. Ding, P.F. Li, H.L. Liu, H.M. Lu, Y.P. Cai, G.J. Wang, X.K. Meng, Evolution of interfacial character and its influence on strain hardening in dual-phase high entropy alloys at nanoscale, International Journal of Plasticity, 145 (2021) 103081.
2. Z.H. Cao*, W. Sun, Y.J. Ma, Q. Li, Z. Fan, Y.P. Cai, Z.J. Zhang, H. Wang, X. Zhang, X.K. Meng, Strong and plastic metallic composites with nanolayered architectures, Acta Materialia, 195 (2020) 240.
3. G. J. Wang, Y. P. Cai, Y. J. Ma, S. C. Tang, J. A. Syed, Z. H. Cao*, X. K. Meng, Ultrastrong and Stiff Carbon Nanotube/Aluminum−Copper Nanocomposite via Enhancing Friction between Carbon Nanotubes, Nano Letters, 19 (2019) 6255.
4. Z.H. Cao*, Y.P. Cai, C. Sun, Y.J. Ma, M.Z. Wei, Q. Li, H.M. Lu, H. Wang, X. Zhang, X.K. Meng, Tailoring strength and plasticity of Ag/Nb nanolaminates via intrinsic microstructure and extrinsic dimension, International Journal of Plasticity, 113 (2019) 145.
5. Z.H. Cao*, Y.J.Ma, Y.P. Cai, G.J.Wang, X.K. Meng, High strength dual-phase high entropy alloys with a tunable nanolayer thickness, Scripta Materialia, 173 (2019) 149.
6. Y.P. Cai, G.J. Wang, Y.J. Ma, Z.H. Cao*, X.K. Meng, High hardness dual-phase high entropy alloy thin films produced by interface alloying, Scripta Materialia, 162 (2019) 281.
7. Z.H. Cao*, W. Sun, X.B. Yang, J.W. Zhao, Y.J. Ma X.K. Meng, Intersectant coherent twin boundaries governed strong strain hardening behavior in nanocrystalline Cu, International Journal of Plasticity, 103 (2018) 81.
8. Z.H. Cao*, M.Z. Wei, Y.J. Ma, C. Sun, H.M. Lu, Z. Fan, X.K. Meng, Cyclic deformation induced strengthening and unusual rate sensitivity in Cu/Ru nanolayered films, International Journal of Plasticity, 99 (2017) 43.
9. Z.H. Cao, L.J. Xu, W. Sun, J. Shi, M.Z. Wei, G.J. Pan, X.B. Yang, J.W. Zhao, X.K. Meng, Size dependence and associated formation mechanism of multiple-fold annealing twins in nanocrystalline Cu, Acta Materialia, 95 (2015) 312.
10. Z.H. Cao, L. Wang, K. Hu, Y.L. Huang, X.K. Meng, Microstructural evolution and its influence on creep and stress relaxation in nanocrystalline Ni, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012) 6742.
1. 一种双相结构高熵合金的制备方法
2. 一种多层异质结构高熵合金的制备方法
3. 一种双相双共格轻质高熵合金及其制备方法
4. 一种含W低活化高熵合金及其制备方法
5. 一种纳米结构高熵超合金及其制备方法
6. 一种多级渐变式自发调温的复合涂层及其制备方法