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Scalable production of transparent, flexible   micro-supercapacitors based on 2-D MXene nanoink

报 告 人:张传芳 博士,ERC研究员

Trinity College Dublin (都柏林大学圣三一学院)



   :日新月异的便携式电子产品朝着柔性化、透明化、微型化的方向发展。为了顺应这一潮流,规模化制备柔性透明、高性能、集成式的微型能源存储器件至关重要。新兴的二维MXene家族展现出诸多优异特性,包括出色的电容储能特性。为此,我们采用独特的方法,制备了粘稠MXene纳米片墨汁(简称纳米墨)。该款纳米墨可以用来制备高性能透明导体薄膜、透明柔性超级电容固态器件、高性能柔性锂硫电池等。结合3D 打印技术,可以用该款墨汁快速、规模化生产微型超级电容,且性能优异,展现出在微型储能器件的前景。利于该纳米墨,可以绘画,可以吟诗,真正“书写”未来柔性电子的华彩乐章!

报告人简介:张传芳,华东理工大学-美国德雷塞尔大学(Drexel University) 联合博士,现为爱尔兰都柏林大学圣三一学院ERC研究员,领导一个由5位博士后,5位博士生,1位本科生组成的小组,培养了数十位来自不同国家的学生。目前的研究领域为:二维材料及其柔性固态储能器件的简易规模化制备、喷墨与3D打印、高性能锂离子电池、透明柔性导体薄膜与触摸屏等领域。留美期间,担任美国能源部资助下的Drexel-UCLA合作项目的主要研究员。迄今发表36余篇SCI论文,其中以第一作者和通讯作者身份发表在Nature 专著章节,Adv. MaterAdv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy, Chem. Mater., Small, ACS Nano, Energy Storage Materials等杂志,其中VIP论文2篇,ESI高被引论文4篇。H-index20,被SCI引用1200余次。他还在普林斯顿大学等数所高校做了30次学术报告。他获评2016爱尔兰年度青年领军人物、年度实验科学家、年度实验研究员等称号。

Dr. Chuanfang (John) Zhang completed his PhD program from ECUST and Drexel University under the supervision of Prof. Yury Gogotsi. Currently he is an ERC research fellow in Trinity College Dublin, leading a subgroup made of 5 postdocs, 5 PhD students and 1 undergraduate, working on scalable production of two-dimensional materials, inks and energy storage devices, Li-ion batteries, transparent conductive films and devices, etc. During his stay in US, he was the chief researcher for the Drexel-UCLA collaboration project funded by US Department of Energy (DOE). Up to now, he has published 36 SCI papers, many of which are listed as first-author or corresponding author in high-profile journals such as Nature (book chapter), Adv. Mater.Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy, Chem. Mater., Small, ACS Nano, Energy Storage Materials etc. Among these papers which are cited for 1200 times in the past three years, 4 become ESI highly cited papers, 2 were accepted as VIP, reaching the H-index to 20. Dr. Zhang has delivered >30 talks in various occasions including Princeton University and MRS conference. In 2016, he was awarded as Irish Young Leader of the Year, Irish Lab Scientist of the Year and Irish Lab Staff Member of the Year.